1.2 From 1 To 7

Welcome back to the Triton Legacy! Last time Triton got engaged to Bess Sterling, started dating Raina Gold, before he decided that he wanted to be with Raina instead of Bess, so he broke it off with Bess and got Engaged to Raina.

When I boot up the game, Tyrell is wandering around in his swimsuit as usual. I forgot to add lot traits last time, but they are now Oceanic Paradise, Bracing Breezes, and Geothermal. With the lot challenges being Off the Grid and Volcanic Activity.

He wants to hang out with Raina again, so he invites her over!

Tyrell: “My lovely ocean breeze, it feels like it’s been forever since we were last joined.”
Raina: “Oh Tyrell, I know just what you mean!”

Wait… When did Tyrell get a goatee? Looking back at my screenshots, it looks like he grew one in the middle of the last post. I think it looks good on him though, so I’ll let him keep it.

After Raina leaves, Tyrell heads to the park to do some collecting. He has an aspiration to work on afterall. With all four of the Occult Legacies, I’m going to be trying to complete collections, which isn’t something I’ve ever really tried before.

Tyrell: “Hello beautiful woman, as a fellow beautiful person I though I’d introduce myself!”
Lady: “Hi?”

Kid: “Hi mister!”

Way to behave Tyrell.

Tyrell: “My ocean mist, you’re here!”
Raina: “I just love going to the park you know.”
These two really are meant for each other.

Tyrell and Raina: *sucking face*

Tyrell: “EW. There is slime on my legs!!!”
You didn’t have to stand in the water to take your readings you know

How often is this call suppose to come up, both Tyrell and Luna have had it.

Tyrell is super broke (he has about $1000), so he goes for the option that means he has to get married.

He invites Raina over, but the option for them to elope wasn’t working and kept dropping from his queue.

So he got Raina to move in! Raina Gold is Materialistic, Romantic, Clumsy, and Animal Affection. Her aspiration is Friend of the Animals, so I guess these guys are getting some pets.

Moving Raina in seemed to fix it, cause these two were now able to get married without any problems.

A quick hallway wedding and we have the first Mrs. Triton!

Raina’s already an adult with 35 days before she’s an elder, so they try for a baby right away!

The Vatore’s continue to puzzle me with where they chose to live. Lilith is still living in Oasis Springs (as seen with the Dracula’s) a desert, while Caleb has moved to Sulani with his wife and is actual a neighbour to the Triton’s. You’d think vampires would chose to live in less sunny locations, not to mention they both moved out of a nice big house to live in shacks.

Being Materialistic, Raina keeps wishing for more stuff. I’ve already spent almost half the money Tyrell got for marrying her on new possessions! I can’t even put a pool in this lot, so Raina’s going to have to got without.

For some reason the option to adopt a pet wasn’t working, so I simply took some from some pet stuffed households. The white kitten is Honey, she’s Affectionate, Lazy, and Spoiled.

This puppy with the fun colouring is Lucky, she’s a Couch Potato, Friendly, and Adventurous.

The orange cate is Yogi, she’s Aloof, Spoiled, and a Prowler. I let them keep the names that they already had.

Raina: “KITTY!!!”

Bess: “This is who he chose over me?! She’s far too old for him.”
Raina: “You’re just jealous bitch. Why do you even still have a key?”

Raina: “I get a bunch of lovely sweethearts to cuddle!”

Yogi: “I’ll allow it this time.”

Rain’s been spending her pregnancy befriending the pets.

Tyrell has been working on logic for his job, the skill is building really slowly for some reason.

Tyrell: “My sweet ocean breeze, you go lovelier with ever passing day.”
Raina: “That’s nice to hear even though I feel like a whale.”

Raina is getting pretty big.
Yogi: “This couch will be mine!”
Raina: “Stop scratching the couch!”

Honey had a birthday, and she aged up with some massive ears.

And back to work for Tyrell!

It took ages before Tyrell could find an invasive species to spray. He must have surveyed like 10 different things.

That’s a toilet Yogi.
Yogi: “IT MUST DIE!!!”

And it’s baby time!

Seriously, another set of twins? I’m only on Gen 1 and 2 of my 4 legacies have had twins!

It’s two boys this time, meet Salmon and Carp!

Tyrell: “My glorious genes will flourish!”
Wait… You have a mustache now.
Tyrell: “And I look glorious!”

Volcanic activity is technically a lot challenge, but I actually really like it, cause it gives you metals and stuff.

Birthdays for the boys! They both have Raina’s colouring. This is Carp.

And this is Salmon. They look a lot alike right now, but I don’t think they’re identical. Carp is the only mermaid of the two, so unless Tyrell and Raina have another mermaid kid he’s an instant heir.

Lucky also had a birthday, and it turns out she’s a poodle!

Tyrell: “ZOOM! And Tyrell saves the day!”
Those toys are for your kids you know.
Tyrell: “My money, my toys!”

With three pets, there’s only one more space in the household. I’ll probably wait till the boys are a little older before they have another baby. The twins keep them plenty busy.

And that’s all for now, see you next time!

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