1.1 Ocean Jewel

Welcome to the Triton Legacy! This is the 2nd of 4 legacies that I’m playing rotationally which you can find more details in the About page, now let’s meet the founder.

Meet Tyrell Triton, he’s a Child of the Ocean, Childish, Self-Absorbed, and Home Turf. His aspiration is The Collector (it was originally Beach Life before I remembered that he can’t tan). Tyrell is also a mermaid and he gets to live in Sulani. I moved him into the empty lot that’s on it’s own little island.

Here’s his house.

It’s pretty empty though cause he’s broke.

Tyrell’s tail is green like his skin!

He swims around and introduces himself to this guy, who’s name I didn’t bother to write down but probably should have.

Since Tyrell is super broke, he needs a job. I figured Conservationist was fitting.

His first work task involves researching conservation, but seeing as Tyrell lacks a computer, he heads to the library!

Where he chats up a bunch of kids and teenagers like a creep.
Tyrell: “It’s not my fault I related to kids better!”

He rolls a want to flirt with Bess (who he met at the library), so he invites her over.

He then survey’s some plants for his work.

And explores the sea cave.

He finds some glow worms!

Tyrell spends a lot of time in the water, he tried diving, but he didn’t get anything before he had to quit.

He now wants to be friends with Bess, so over she comes once more.

And now he wants her to be his girlfriend (I did tell you he was broke).

So Bess comes over yet again.

And soon becomes his girlfriend!

Tyrell was at the library again, and before he goes home his does his first collecting (which I’ve kind of forgot about up until now).

Seriously, you’ve only been dating less than a day.
Tyrell: “But she could be out with someone right now!!!”

Bess comes over and manages to calm his fears.
Tyrell: “FOR NOW.”

Bess then proposes!

It doesn’t take long before she askes him out on another date.

As usual, Tyrell wears his swimwear everywhere.
Bess: “It’s what I like best about him, eye candy.”

It turns out it’s ghost night at the bar, so soon there’s lots of specters lurking.

Tyrell is back at the library the next day, and Bess is also there… I think she may be stalking him.
Bess: “I’m his fiancée, it doesn’t count as stalking.”

Tyrell: “I can not keep this magnificence contained to Bess! Plus, she’s starting to creep me out.”

Tyrell: “Hello my beautiful morning mist, you sparkle like dew drops.”
Raina: “That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me!”

Tyrell: “So how about we take this party elsewhere?”
Raina: “Once you go Raina, you never go back.”

Geez these two deserve each other.

Once Raina leaves, Tyrell puts the moves on Bess.

Bess: “You would never break up with me would you Tyrell? We’re clearly meant for each other! Have this token of my affection.”

I don’t think anyone’s given a gift with message to my sims before.

Tyrell: “Hello my lovely ocean mist, how may I rock your world?”

Tyrell and Raina: *making out*

And back to the library again!
Tyrell: “I should really get a computer.”
It’s too bad that you have the Off the Grid lot trait.

This time Raina is the one asking Tyrell on a date.

They are at some pretty fancy looking place.

And it looks like Tyrell has definitely decided that he wants to be with Raina over Bess!

He promptly invites Bess over to the lot.

Where he breaks up with her.
Raina: “Once you go Raina, you never go back.”

Tyrell: “A flower for my ocean jewel.”
Raina: “Oh Tyrell!”

Tyrell: “Marry me Raina!”

Raina: “Like I could ever be with anyone else!”

And that’s all for now, see you next time!


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